Executive Summary
About the Numbers
- Complaints were down 12%.
- Cogeco and Bell largely contributed to this decline, with Cogeco recording a 75% decrease while Bell recorded a 26% reduction. TELUS also had a 7% decline.
- Fido (+29%) and Rogers (+6%) complaints increased despite the overall decline.
- “Disclosure issues” and “incorrect charges” were the most complained-about problems, making up 26% of all reported issues.
- Breaches of the Wireless Code decreased from 61 to 46, breaches of the Television Service Provider Code increased by 4 to a total of 5, and breaches of the Deposit and Disconnection Code, increased from 0 to 3.
About Our Activities
- The CCTS staff prepared for the CRTC’s Internet Code, which took effect on January 31, 2020.
- The CCTS terminated the participation of two Participating Service Providers that ceased operations, and referred one service provider to the CRTC for non-compliance with the requirement to participate in the CCTS.
- The CCTS has initiated an external review of its complaint-handling processes and related technologies, to ensure that it continues to deliver the best possible service to consumers and service providers.
All comparisons are to Mid-Year Report 2018-19 unless otherwise specified.
Complaints accepted
Complaints concluded
Complaints resolved
Confirmed Wireless Code breaches
Confirmed Television Service Provider Code breaches
Confirmed Deposit and Disconnection Code breaches
Operational Statistics
Complaints by Service Provider
All statistics are as at February 1, 2020 and are subject to audit. See Appendix A for complaints accepted for all service providers.
Issues Raised in Complaints
Customers often raise issues that fall outside of the CCTS’ mandate. This table identifies the top 5 issues.
Code of Conduct Reporting
The CCTS does not investigate every alleged breach of a Code. Complaints that are resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the customer and service provider do not receive additional analysis to determine whether a breach of the Code has occurred. These are described as “not requiring investigation” in the figures in this section.
The CCTS publishes an Annotated Guide to the Wireless Code and an Annotated Guide to the Deposit & Disconnection Code.
Alleged breach: When a customer claims that the service provider failed to perform an obligation under any of the CRTC’s codes of conduct, or when a CCTS staff member identifies a potential code breach based on the details of a complaint. Each breach references an individual section of the Code. Thus, more than one alleged breach may be recorded in a complaint.
Confirmed breach: When the CCTS can confirm, based on its investigation, that a provision of any CRTC code of conduct has been breached.
No breach: When the CCTS has investigated an alleged breach and concluded that the service provider didn’t breach any CRTC code of conduct.
This report includes only those Code-related issues that arose in complaints which have been concluded and for which breaches have been confirmed in the reporting period.
The Wireless Code
See Appendix B for a breakdown of the confirmed Wireless Code breaches by section.
Television Service Provider Code
Deposit and Disconnection Code
Appendix A – Complaints by Service Provider
August 1, 2019 – January 31, 2020
This list includes service providers that received at least one complaint during the reporting period. Overall, 384 service providers and brands participated in the CCTS during this reporting period (including 15 service providers that joined during this period). No complaints were received about 222 Participating Service Providers.